sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010

marți, 6 iulie 2010

She Always Takes It With A Heart Of Stone

She Always Takes It With A Heart Of Stone
'Cause All She Does Is Throw It Back To Me
I've Spent A Lifetime
Looking For Someone
Don't Try To Understand Me
Just Simply Do The
Things I Say

Love Is A Feeling
Give It When I Want It
'Cause I'm On Fire
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Talk To Me Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

You Always Knew Just How To Make Me Cry
And Never Did I Ask You Questions Why
It Seems You Get Your Kicks From Hurting Me
Don't Try To Understand Me
Because Your Words Just Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Love Is A Woman
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

You And Your Friends
Were Laughing At Me In Town
But It's Okay
And It's Okay
You Wont Be Laughing Girl
When I'm Not Around
I'll Be Okay
And I'll, I'll Not Find
Gotta, The Peace Of Mind No

Don't Try To Tell Me
Because Your Words
Just Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Talk To Me Woman
Love Is A Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

Love Is A Feeling
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Quench My Desire
Takin' Me Higher
Tell It To The Preacher
Satisfy The Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
Hear It
Give It To The Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
I Don't Like A Lady
Talk To Me Baby
Give In To Me

Give In To The Fire
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

Love Is A Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

'Cause I'm On Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
Give It To The Feeling

marți, 25 mai 2010


inainte credeam ca te vreau pe tine, pentru ca nu eram in stare sa vreau pe altcineva
din comoditate
din teama
din nesiguranta
din neincredere

si cand n-am mai fost comoda, cand mi-am inecat teama, cand am fost sigura si increzatoare, cand m-au vrut altii, chiar mult, aproape de tot

atunci am stricat tot

doar ca sa revin la starea initiala

de asteptare inutila si neroada

a ta

sunt defecta

miercuri, 12 mai 2010

marți, 6 aprilie 2010

Cand adevarul te plezneste peste ochi

si iti spune ca ultimii 3 ani au fost doar in mintea ta.

ca doar tu vedeai ceea ce vroiai tu sa vezi

ca n-a fost nimic
ca ai fost nimic

culmea e ca nimicul are amintiri :)

duminică, 7 martie 2010

andrew's whore

once upon a time

curious girl, or to be more precise, woman, used to be alone, pleased to be by herself...
got bored
wanted something different
someone different

so she looked, and looked again
she even created traps for the fools to fall in

she exposed herself, but she remained hidden

she allowed herself to be crazy, liking the itching feeling this provided her

and she found

someone, so irritating that she almost wanted to shut him up

but he turned to more every time more, than what appear to the eyes

luckily, she fancy enough his smiling eyes, not to get annoyed
and as he, surprisingly knew the right questions, and knew how to play with her

she called him

and she will call him again, but does she know if he will be there...

cause this is what happens to whores... uncertain future, hazardous encounters.

duminică, 28 februarie 2010


EL says (3:35 PM):
Stiu ca sunt egoist, infiorator de egoist, dar trebuie sa intreb asta - ai puterea sa nu arati trista, suparata, nemultumita, neimplinita... daca e cumva sa ne vedem zilele astea? Daca da, promit sa suport cu stoicism orice mustrare, oricat de dura ar fi sa fie, dar numai intre 23 si 25 ianuarie daca va fi sa fie la Paltinis, Brasov sau altundeva departe de acest oras, altfel nu.
EL says (3:36 PM):
Cred ca aceste zile pana pe 23, plus cele ce vor urma undeva departe de lumea asta dezlantuita, imi vor fi indestulatoare ca sa fac ceva...
EA said (3:36 PM):
EA said (3:37 PM):
deci daca nu sunt suparata ne vedem zilele astea
pot sa fiu suparata doar dupa 23 cand vom pleca la paltinis
asta zici tu ?

EL says (3:39 PM):
nu stiu inca ce va sa fie... nu stiu ce voi alege, dar voi alege pentru ca nu se mai poate sa te bucuri de resturi, sa imi bat joc de mine si de toata lumea... oricat de greu va fi va trebui sa imi bag mintile in cap si sa ma gandesc clar la ce am de facut
si mai ales sa fac
... pur si simplu nu vreau sa ma vad cu tine ca sa plec de langa tine cu chipul tau trist in minte
EL says (3:40 PM):
e egoism, dar asta sunt eu - nu arat ca ma doare, nu vreau sa vad ca doare
EL says (3:46 PM):
sa inteleg ca te gandesti??

vineri, 19 februarie 2010

Duminica cu blana de pisica gri

Duminica cu blana de pisica gri

Azi stau in casa pentru ca nu ma simt bine. Nu e o duminica irosita, e o duminica-pisica. Ritmul meu de om salbatic are nevoie de macar o duminica din asta pe luna, in care sa ma ascund, sa nu vorbesc, sa nu-mi fie bine, sa mai ies din fericirile mele care nu-s intotdeauna de om cu scaun la cap.
Asa ca azi stau cu fata bosumflata in pat, ascult blues si ma gandesc la toate cele din viata mea care-s rele, le oranduiesc si incerc sa le dau afara din cap si din viata mea. Si incerc sa nu ma las influentata de trecut.
Ieri am vazut doi liceeni indragostiti, zburdau pe bulevardul maro ca doi oameni dintr-o lume paralela unde e vara. Si baiatul i-a facut cadou fetei nu o floare, ci s-a intins si a rupt un turture mare de pe o streasina. Si mi s-a parut asa frumos. Mai ales ca doi pasi mai incolo am vazut o femeie care se uita printr-un binoclu la un hotel. Si era suparata si scrasnea din dinti. Probabil incerca sa-l prinda pe ticalos cu o alta femeie si draperiile erau trase si nu vedea nimic. Si mi s-a parut asa urat.
Sunt convinsa ca fata care a primit cadou un buchet alcatuit dintr-un turture nu o sa urmareasca niciodata pe nimeni printr-un binoclu, intr-un oras murdar.

Preluata: http://mintea-de-ceai.blogspot.com/2010/01/duminica-cu-blana-de-pisica-gri.html

marți, 26 ianuarie 2010

Justify my love


I wanna kiss you in Paris
I wanna hold your hand in Rome
I wanna run naked in a rainstorm
Make love in a train cross-country
You put this in me
So now what, so now what?

Wanting, needing, waiting
For you to justify my love

Hoping, praying
For you to justify my love

I want to know you
Not like that
I don't wanna be your mother
I don't wanna be your sister either
I just wanna be your lover
I wanna be your baby
Kiss me, that's right, kiss me

Wanting, needing, waiting
For you to justify my love

Hoping, praying
For you to justify my love

Yearning, burning
For you to justify my love

What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?
Talk to me -- tell me your dreams
Am I in them?
Tell me your fears
Are you scared?
Tell me your stories
I'm not afraid of who you are
We can fly!

Poor is the man
Whose pleasures depend
On the permission of another
Love me, that's right, love me
I wanna be your baby

Wanting, needing, waiting
For you to justify my love

Hoping, praying
For you to justify my love

I'm open and ready
For you to justify my love
To justify my love
Wanting, to justify
Waiting, to justify my love
Praying, to justify
To justify my love
I'm open, to justify my love

joi, 14 ianuarie 2010

yo-yo [ yṓ yō ]

yo-yo [ yṓ yō ]

noun (plural yo-yos)


1. toy with string wound on spool: a toy consisting of a long string wound onto a spool that is dropped and raised repeatedly using the force of gravity and momentum to unwind and rewind the string

2. fluctuating thing: something that repeatedly goes up and down or fluctuates between one extreme and another

3. North America offensive term: an offensive term that deliberately insults a person's intelligence or judgment ( slang insult )

intransitive verb (3rd person present singular yo-yos, present participle yo-yoing, past and past participle yo-yoed)


fluctuate: to fluctuate between two extremes or directions

marți, 5 ianuarie 2010


* Suave and compromising
* Careful, cautious and organized
* Likes to point out people's mistakes
* Likes to criticize
* Quiet but able to talk well
* Calm and cool
* Kind and sympathetic
* Concerned and detailed
* Trustworthy, loyal and honest
* Does work well
* Sensitive
* Thinking
* Good memory
* Clever and knowledgeable
* Loves to look for information
* Must control oneself when criticizing
* Able to motivate oneself
* Understanding
* Secretive
* Loves sports, leisure and traveling
* Hardly shows emotions
* Tends to bottle up feelings

M mind movies

Youniverse Movies TestYouniverse Movies Test

Youniverse Mind TestYouniverse Mind Test

Travel me

Youniverse Travel TestYouniverse Travel Test

Me self

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test